Comparative American Identities
49th Session
August 23-26, 1990
Longfellow Hall
13 Appian Way
Harvard University
Lesbian Textuality
SUE E. HOUCHINS, Scripps College
Directed Lesbian Textuality
TERESA DE LAURETIS, University of California, Santa Cruz
Scenario of Desire
SUE-ELLEN CASE, University of Washington
Ghosting the Domestic: A Lesbian Horror Story
KATHLEEN MARTINDALE, University of Calgary
Watching Dykes to Watch Out For
SUE E. HOUCHINS, Scripps College
Black Medusa: The Lesbian in African Text
The Idea of Africa and the Practice of Literature
VALENTIN Y. MUDIMBE, Duke University
Directed The Idea of Africa and the Practice of Literature
FRANÇOISE LIONNET, Northwestern University
Dyssymetry Embodied
Questions in the Intellectual Histories of Africa
BENNETTA JULES-ROSETTE, University of California, San Diego
The Aesthetics of Africanity
Mark Twain
SUSAN GILLMAN, University of California, Santa Cruz
Directed Mark Twain
MARTHA BANTA, University of California, Los Angeles
The Boys and The Bosses: Twain’s Double Take on Work, Play, and the Democratic Ideal
ABDUL R. JANMOHAMED, University of California, Berkeley
Mark Twain: The Stranger as Colonialist Narrator
SUSAN GILLMAN, University of California, Santa Cruz
The Mulatto: Tragic or Triumphant? Mark Twain and Late Nineteenth Century “Good Racial Books”
The Other Petrarchans
NANCY J. VICKERS, University of Southern California
Directed The Other Petrarchans
ROLAND GREENE, Harvard University
“For Love of Pau-Brasil”: Petrarchan Experience and the Colonial Americas
Don’t Look Now: Women Petrarchans and the Male Body
NANCY J. VICKERS, University of Southern California
Lyric in the Age of Electronic Reproduction