English Institute Publications
Edited by Meredith L. McGill 2013 |
Edited by Robyn Warhol 2011 |
Edited by Virginia Jackson 2010 |
Edited by Jane Gallop Routledge 2004 |
Edited by Lauren Berlant Routledge 2004 |
Edited by Karen Newman, Jay Clayton, and Marianne Hirsch Routledge 2002 |
Edited by Vinay Dharwadker Routledge 2000 |
Edited by Judith Butler, John Guillory, and Kendall Thomas Routledge 2000 |
Edited by Jeffrey Masten, Peter Stallybrass and Nancy Vickers Routledge 1997 |
Edited by Diana Fuss Routledge 1996 |
Edited by Andrew Parker and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick Routledge 1995 |
Edited by Mae Henderson Routledge 1994 |
Edited by Susan Gubar and Jonathan Kamholtz Routledge 1993 |
Edited by Hortense J. Spillers Routledge 1992 |
Edited by Jonathan Arac and Barbara Johnson Contributors: Bruce Robbins, Cornel West, Nancy Fraser, Anthony Appiah, Lynn Hunt, Donald Pease, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Patricia Williams. Johns Hopkins University Press 1991 |
Edited by Deborah E. McDowell and Arnold Rampersad Contributors: James Olney, Hortense J. Spillers, William L. Andrews, Carolyn L. Karcher, Arnold Rampersad, Hazel V. Carby, Deborah E. McDowell. Johns Hopkins University Press 1991 |
Edited by Elaine Scarry Contributors: Mieke Bal, Christopher Ricks, Elaine Scarry, Francis Ferguson, Jerome Christensen, Carroll Smith-Rosenberg, Walter Benn Michaels. Johns Hopkins University Press 1988 |
Edited by Marjorie Garber Contributors: John Hollander, Patricia Parker, Stephen Orgel, Steven Mullaney, Janet Adelman, Marjorie Garber, Mary Nyquist. Johns Hopkins University Press 1987 |
Edited by Ruth Bernard Yeazel Contributors: D.A. Miller, Catherine Gallagher, Gillian Beer, Elaine Showalter, Mark Seltzer, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick. Johns Hopkins University Press 1986 |
Edited by Walter Benn Michaels and Donald E. Pease Contributors: Eric J. Sundquist, Jane P. Tompkins, Louis A. Renza, Jonathan Arac, Donald E. Pease, Walter Benn Michaels, Allen Grossman. Johns Hopkins University Press 1985 |
Edited by Annabel Patterson Contributors: W.R. Johnson, Margaret W. Ferguson, Robert S. Miola, Patricia B. Craddock, Jerome J. McGann, William L. Vance, Elizabeth Block, Annabel Patterson Johns Hopkins University Press 1984 |
Edited by Carolyn G. Heilbrun and Margaret R. Higonnet Contributors: Elizabeth Ermarth, Susan Gubar, Jane Marcus, J. Hillis Miller, Nancy K. Miller, Mary Poovey Johns Hopkins University Press 1983 |
Edited by Hayden White and Margaret Brose Contributors: William Rueckert, Donald J. Jennerman, John Freccero, Fredric R. Jameson, William Wasserstrom, Frank Letricchia, Angus Fletcher. Johns Hopkins University Press 1982 |
Edited by Stephen J. Greenblatt Johns Hopkins University Press 1981 |
Edited by Leslie A. Fiedler and Houston A. Baker, Jr. Contributors: Houston A. Baker, Jr., Dennis Brutus, Edward Kamau Brathwaite, Leslie Marmon Silko, Leslie A. Fiedler, H. Bruce Franklin, Diana Hume George, George Stade. Johns Hopkins University Press 1981 |
Edited by Edward W. Said. Johns Hopkins University Press 1980 |
Edited by Geoffrey H. Hartman Contributors: Murray M. Schwartz, Norman H. Holland, Cary Nelson, Neil Hertz, Geoffrey H. Hartman, Jacques Derrida, Barbara Johnson. Johns Hopkins University Press 1978 |
Edited by Alvin Kernan Contributors: Marjorie Garber, Michael Goldman, Stephen J. Greenblatt, Edward A. Snow, Gabrielle Bernhard Jackson, Ian Donaldson, Richard C. Newton. Johns Hopkins University Press 1977 |